Think Abundance

Think Abundance

Think Abundance

by Norman Vincent Peale

During this season of gratitude, don’t let your finances drain your spirit.  Try these 3 Steps to keep your thoughts on track.

Attitudes are more important than facts. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than with money. The person whose attitude is one of “lack,” who always focuses on what he doesn’t have, will never have enough — no matter how much he is able to acquire. The positive thinker, on the other hand, will value what he has, even if it is little.

Ask yourself if you are thinking “lack.” There is a curious law that if you think lack, you tend to create a situation of lack. Shift your thought pattern to one of abundance and believe that God is now in the process of giving you everything you need. Repel all lack thoughts; practice abundance thoughts. In ways that will amaze you, your needs will begin to be satisfied.


The “Law of Supply” demonstrates that the world is full of goodness and that we can draw on that goodness. It means that life is full of prosperity and we can draw on that prosperity. But you will never get these good things by grabbing or holding; you get them by giving.

The air during the Great Depression of the 1930s was filled with gloom. One night I went out and walked the streets near my New York apartment, with fear clutching my heart. How are we going to live? How are we going to get ahead? How are we going to pay the bills?

When I got home, my wife took my hand and said, “I want to tell you something, Norman. Things are going to be fine. All we need to do is give.”

“But we don’t have anything to give!”

“We will give what we have. And I’ll promise you this,” she continued, “if you will rededicate yourself to Jesus Christ and if you will give your money and if you will give your time to God, to the church and to human beings, God will always take care of us. You can forget being afraid.”

That was a long time ago, and God has always taken care of us. We have had many blessings. Why? Because I deserve them? No! But that kind of faith will always bring blessings.  If you are bogged down by your difficulties and are miserable and unhappy, start giving. Give yourself completely to Jesus Christ and then start giving yourself to others. Give by praying for people. Give love, especially if you aren’t getting love. Give your time. Give money. Now, that’s a hard one – especially in tough times. But the more money you give, the more you will have.

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38).


If you are living a shallow, impoverished life, resolve to stop doing so this very day. Expect great things to happen. Confidently receive God’s blessings; think prosperity and abundance.

God wants to give you, his child, every good thing. Don’t hinder his generosity with negative thoughts and negative talk. Remind yourself that God will supply all your needs out of his vast abundance.

Let God touch your life. Think big, pray big, believe big. Be big in your soul. And never think scarcity, for scarcity thoughts scare prosperity away.

Excerpted from our booklet, Take Charge of Your Finances.  To download this free booklet, click here.


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