Gratitude Isn’t Always Easy.Remember this when you’re feeling anything but thankful.
Thinking About Thanksgiving
by Susan DeVore Williams
Our old friend’s wife had just succumbed to cancer after a long struggle, and when his letter arrived, I opened it with a certain amount of dread. It was hard to be reminded that this dear man was now so alone, without the comfort of children or other family.
Thanksgiving was just around the corner, and it broke my heart to imagine how empty his tiny apartment would seem at this time of year. I was sure his letter would be a sad one.
But my friend surprised me. “I thought I might go out to the cemetery today,” he wrote, “but instead I’m sitting here thinking about Thanksgiving. I’m reminded of the little boy who was asked by his teacher to describe salt. He answered, ‘Salt is what spoils the potatoes, when you leave it out.’ Thankfulness is like that, I’ve decided. It’s what spoils everything when you leave it out.
God would probably forgive me for being unthankful right now, and He’d understand if I decided to ignore Thanksgiving this year. But I’ve made up my mind: I am not going to leave out the thankfulness, no matter how I may be tempted. Having decided that, it’s surprising how much better I feel, and how much I’m finding to be thankful for.”
My friend had just taught me something about the “sacrifice of thanksgiving.” It was amazing how much better I felt too.
Father, I will offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving by saying thank You even when it is most difficult.
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