Category: Inspiration

  • Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself. You may be surprised at how easily this happens. Your doubts are not as powerful as your desires, unless you make them so…

  • “The intelligent man is one who has successfully fulfilled many accomplishments, and is yet willing to learn more.” – Ed Parker

  • Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence…

  • “Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.” – Henry Ward Beecher

  • “I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.” – John Burroughs

  • “The world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it.” – Helen Keller

  • Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light…

  • “Goals give you more than a reason to get up in the morning; they are an incentive to keep you going all day. Goals tend to tap the deeper resources and draw the best out of life.” Harvey Mackay Author of Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive

  • “A thoughtful mind, when it sees a Nation’s flag, sees not the flag only, but the Nation itself; and whatever may be its symbols, its insignia, he reads chiefly in the flag the Government, the principles, the truths, the history which belongs to the Nation that sets it forth.” – Henry Ward Beecher

  • “Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You’re thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all… You can be discouraged by failure – or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all…